I am a very average fangirl. I AMNUMBER 1 WU ZUN FAN. WUZUN :p hurray hurray.


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Friday, March 20, 2009
Stay With You Fahrenheit 飞轮海 (Japanese)

12:24 AM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
This holiday is so short... and boring....

Hi ppl,
I hate this holiday... There's like so many holiday project and assignments to do!!!!!!!!! So stress le la... You know what? I got day camp on mon, tues and wed. And when I came home, I'm like dead beat and tell me ppl, HOW TO CONENTRATE ON DOING HW?

Day 1 of camp:
Ok only loh. Although got ice-breaker games, but OMG damn boring. Then after lunch( Chicken rice), went to pract Liu Qing alr. Didn't really pract at home, but surprisingly, Zhi Xin and I were praised by the tcher! Yeah!!! That's the 1st time tcher praised us, usually, u will see her "black face".

Day 2 of camp:
OMG! I love day 2... It's so damn fun!!!! We played games that is related to water.
Game 1 is there will be a person at 3rd floor and another at 2nd floor. And 2 at 1st floor. What is the rules? Well, the person at the 3rd floor will pour water down and the 2 person at the 1st floor will try to catch with plastic cups. The person at the 2nd floor(the opponent) will try to stop the water water from flowing to the 1st floor by tryng to collect as much water as he or she can from the water the 3rd floor person pour. It's so fun!!! I was the person at the 1st floor. Collected ok amt of water=) But got wet....=( And the water the 2 person collected at the 1st floor will be used to wash hair!!! Wash whose hair?? For ur gp, it was Joann's hair, she's a sec 2. Poor her...... Oh btw, Zhi Xin's hair was washed and she looked ~very funny~. Lol... hahas.
The 2nd game was actually like dog n bone. There will be a paper n a water bottle on the ground. There is 2 gps and we will have no.s. So for e.g, u r no.1, and they call out for no.1, u n the persson fm the other team will run to the place where the paper n water bottle is, and will make a choice whether to take the water bottle or the paper. If sb chooses the paper, the opponent must choose the water bottle and will spray water on the paper. If the paper is not wet, u will score a point, if not, the opponent will score the point. I was no.1 and I was alert..(self-praise), I helped my gp score 2 points, noe????? 2 very impt point.... Yeah, we won, but my shoulder got a blue-black...=( Sobs... Pain u noe????
The 3rd game was there's a pail n a person fm each gp must put the leg in the pail to kick out mahjong tiles. The person-in-charge will giv us each a paper to memorise the tiles n ltr, based on ur memory, arrange the tiles ur gp membeer kicked. We lost for the 1st round, so the opponent can start 1st for the 2nd round. When it was our turn, the person gave us a paper to memorise the tiles. It was so difficult!!! Luckily, a person in our gp noe how to play mahjong and say it's "shi san yao". So in the end, we won!!!!!! The p-i-c say we were very lucky.... as the chances to win was so damn slim....
The last game was a boring one. There are many chairs and we jus sat on any one. Then the ppl on the right will have to move to the left and the ppl fm the left must move to the right. But, the condition is, we can only move through a like L-shape. So we can only "jump" over 1 person. Aiya, it's very hard to explain like that so forget it.
After that, we played another game. That is e.g the person show the word "big eyes", we must open our eyes as big as possible... Then the p-i-c will spray water at us to like distract us....
Following that is own free spraying time!!! We can spray at anyone we wanted, but so unfortunately, the slippers I borrowed from my da jie jie, Kristin, broke and I couldn't run, but still I srayed at my seniors and friends. Zhi Xin sprayed me the most and hai wo become so""lang bei"=( I was so drenched that day noe????????

last day:
Okay la, cos got no tcher. It's self pract n I slacked, needless to say... Yeah... Zhi Xin's Liu Qing gone bonkers and got spoiled for so many times, the string broke, string loose.... Until the senior got so FRUSTRATED. I could see that......

Overall, the camp was still quite ok, oh ya, we made flags on day 2. My gp's name is CHELSEA.
Chelsea rocks man!!!!!
Haiya, tmr still must do the eng proj, hais. SIAN....

Gotta go,

2:06 AM